
The hem-stitch is the embroidery of a white chiffon or a panama fabric.

We remove the strings of these fabrics, and we join the free wefts, lap up them with a string, then we graft it into the fabric and that is how we get honeycombed "Azsur" pattern.

The speciality of this technic is, that we never tie a knot.

The old inhabitants of Chotin gave different folksy names to these patterns: wheat, false wheat, chicken leg, spider, loaf, "apró mesterkés".


The toledo embroidery is a kind of melt spinning and pierced handjob.

When we using this technic, we cut off the string of a plain weave fabric according to some system, and the intact fabric will form the pattern.

We puncture the sample by needle, then we out it on the fabric and pour it powdered carbon, which is thoroughly rubbed into it. This is the "drukkolás".